Monday, August 8, 2011

New Stones

Just came back from purchasing some incredible looking stones from one of my favorite stone cutters here in southern Germany. I'm in trouble. I have never spend so much money for stones in one day. Expensive, but incredible qualities and cuts.
Here is a little preview:



Chrome Opal

Chrome Opal

Chrome Opal

Chrome Opal

Argentinian Rhodochrosite 

Argentinian Rhodochrosite 

Argentinian Rhodochrosite 

Argentinian Rhodochrosite 

Montana Agate

Montana Agate

Montana Agate

I will be heading to a gem show this weekend. Apparently there will be a couple cabochon dealers there. I absolutely love picking stones first hand instead of over the internet. 

Can't wait to get started sketching some new designs.

Do you use hand cut stones intend of mass produced ones?

Have a super fantastic day everyone!

xo- Sabine


littlecherryhill said...

I love that Chrome Opal!! It's gorgeous :) I tend to just purchase whatever catches my eye these days. There really isn't much in the way of gemshows here to purchase straight from the cutter :(

gallerydarrow said...

I'm like you, I get tired of trying to buy stones online. I like to touch and feel and see them in person. Beautiful finds, just gorgeous!

Have a good weekend, happy hunting, xo Ro

Dina said...

Gorgeous! I simply adore Montana agate.
I recently moved to Norway and have no clue about silver suppliers here so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

My Creative Community said...

Hi girls!

LCH: Thank you!
I know the feeling.
I don't get to go to gem shows hardly ever since I have moved to Norway, but every time I visit my family in Germany I go and take advantage of visiting as many stone suppliers as I can.

Ro: Thank you! Yes, it is really great to see and touch a stone in person rather than purchasing through the internet. Hard to restrain myself at times going to stone suppliers though...:)

Dina: I'd love to help! Get in touch with me via conversations in my Etsy shop and I'll send you some links! :)

Happy sunday everyone!
xo Sabine

Dina said...

You are so kind thank you! Message sent on etsy :)