Friday, March 30, 2012

Here they are!

I just finished photographing all the new cabochons.
If there are any stones you'd like to acquire before they are listed, send me a convo through Etsy

8mm rose cut natural amethyst cabochons

Cushion cut natural blue chalcedony- rectangular shape

Square cushion cut natural blue chalcedony 

Various shapes of gorgeous pink chalcedony

Stunning rose cut lime chalcedony. These come in 8mm and 10mm sizes

10mmx14mm white opals. These are incredibly beautiful. Great luster and super price! $7.50 dollars each!!

Aqua chalcedony, rose cut. These come also in 8mm and 10mm sizes.

Beautiful natural ice quartz cabs, 10mm rose cut

Antique cushion aqua chalcedony 10mm, rose cut. Gorgeous!

Various shapes and sizes of stunning whiskey quartz. 

I'm ready for a nap, but since it's already almost 5:30pm I might have to pass on that lovely idea. I went to the gym this morning working my ( hopefully ) behind off and feel rather beat. Perhaps I'll head off
 to the studio instead to peruse my new beauties, and hopefully come up with a brilliant idea on how to use some of them in new designs! :) 

Wishing you all a super duper friday!
See ya'll tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!


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