Monday, October 20, 2008

One day soon

Gosh I know, it's been a while since my last blog post. I've been quite busy getting organized for two craft shows that are coming up next month, plus making some custom pieces.

After reading some of my blog postings I came to realized that they sound sooooo boring. I am hoping to spark them up a bit. I mean, after all, what kind of impression am I giving by these lame posts?? Ha! Perhaps I need to dig up some local quite my style....perhaps tell you all my little secrets?? Hmmmm, where to start??
Okay, okay, just one little quirk about me: I'm addicted to Pepsi Max, which here in Norway is the equivalent to the Diet Pepsi you get overseas ( you can't get Diet Pepsi here in Norway). I drink way too much of it, but I love it! My favorite colors are blue and green.....lets see.....oh yeah....I like to indulge myself into Apple products....I'm all about user-friendly products!!
I love baking bread and go for walks in the dark when it's quiet and cold outside!

All righty then:) I will be posting some new items this week. Forgot to re-charge the batteries for the lighting system that John my sweet BF uses to take all the pictures. I'm hoping to have some to show in the next couple of days!

Much love and cozy times you to all!


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