Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mushroom mania


Don't let the title confuse you!

All this rain we've been having lately has brought with it HUGE mushrooms in the bush surrounding the house.
I'm sure they will be covered up with snow soon. Yes, just like I predicted yesterday. We had snowfall today! Not a whole lot, but enough to pull the sheets over my head and stay in bed for an extra while longer.....brrrr. Not great to have snowfall at the end of September. Yikes. I think this will be our last winter up here. We are planning on moving to the southern coastal part of Norway next year. That way we will avoid the L O N G 7-8 month long winters, the arctic darkness and the midnight sun.

Now I am off to making some dinner. I'm starving! I'm thinking tomato soup with chopped up Norwegian sausages. Sounds frightening I know, but is a darn good meal on a cold and rainy day.

Take care everyone and be cozy wherever you are!



Amy Nicole said...

The mushrooms are beautiful. Much prettier than the ordinary ones we get here in Texas after a rainstorm. If they are edible, I would be eating them for sure!!

Carol B said...

SNOW fall? We're excited to be in the 70s most of today. Enjoyed the pics.