Feels like I am suffering from some sort of sleeping disease. I am not sure if it is the long winter and the lack of sun we've had for a few months, or just some vitamin deficiency. No matter how much sleep I get I seem to want more. I know that I should start up running again or at the very least continue with Pilates which has helped me in the past to stay energized during the day. For some reason it seems utterly difficult to get my butt in gear this time around. Like John always tells me, stop talking about it and just do it. I know he's right, but....a million excuses are about to follow...
Well, on a brighter note: As you can tell from the title of this post I am going to have a HUGE easter give-away:
The first price will be a copper blossom pendant necklace with a rustic copper poppy ring and then I will have four additional poppy rings to give-away.
To enter simply make a comment about any suggestions you might have to improve my Etsy shop wether it be photography, the jewelry itself, more or less mixed metal jewelry, banner, what is the overall feel of the shop, more color etc....don't be afraid to speak up....I appreciate good constructive criticism.
The winners will be chosen next friday april 3rd.
I'll be looking forward to hear from you! :-D
Hi Sabine-- I've been following your blog and Etsy shop for a while. In addition to your jewelry, I've enjoyed your photography and mouth-watering food! Anyway, in terms of Etsy shop comments, one of the reasons why I like Etsy is because of the personal touch that you get vs. shopping online at some chain store. I noticed that you always leave comments in your feedback and perhaps adding a more personal note would be nice. I find that such notes help develop a rapport between buyer and seller and that I may be more likely to return to that shop when I feel I "know" and can trust a seller. Overall, I've been enjoying your new designs!
Thanks Elaine! Thanks for your lovely comment! You have a very valid point! I'll definitively take that into consideration the next time I leave feedback! :-D
Hi! To respond to your above request, let me start by saying that I love love your work. I love the colors and designs and wish I could order lots of items from you.
As far as feedback, the only thing that is a little tricky about the Etsy shop is it is hard to get a good idea of what the rings look like, especially in the first glance photo. Once I click on an item it's easier to get a better idea, but the rings are harder to tell. However, the necklace photos are very striking. Food for thought...
..to the very sweet and strong artist of this jewelry that I would call "passionate"!
I adore your site, would love to see some photos of Norway in the background, just because I am curious of your environment and views.
Your work is magical, thanks for the generous Easter giveaway.
I've browsed through your collection on Etsy and I found out that the Oasis Organic Sterling Silver Pendant With Red Garnet Cabochon is very mesmerizing. I also like the Secrets Pedal Earrings very much. If you'd like to make your Etsy store more well-known, you can let other bloggers do a review for you, or you can advertise your shop by having your blog button on any popular blogs/sites.
Best regards,
I think your jewelry is incredibly lovely! And, you take such high-quality photographs of your pieces! :) My only suggestion would to try to take a picture of your necklaces on someone, so buyers can see how it falls on your neck. I know you do do this with a lot of them, but taking such pictures with all of them would help :)
contact me at:
Wow! I think your shop looks great! Your photography is spectacular and you are very well organized. Since I am a graphics designer on etsy, and sell mainly banners, I suggest you use some of those great photos on your banner. Check out my shop and maybe we can work something out!
But your shop truly looks great! =)
Maybe just me, but I really like the mixed metal pieces. Love the copper. I wear very little white gold/sterling but do like it paired with other metals. Your twig like designs are intriguing (like the Joshua tree).
Your jewelry is beautiful! Your artistic talent is very apparent in each piece that you create. Photographing jewelry can be quite difficult. I enjoyed looking through your shop and I feel that adding some color to the shop would help show off your jewelry more by bringing out more of it's quality. So much of the jewelry has grey/black or white/black for the backdrop and I think that takes away from the real beauty of the pieces. Your work and the jewelry are both fantastic and I see no problems there. I just think that improving on the presentation or display of the jewelry would help the pieces stand out more to your customers causing them to say "Wow." Thus increasing your sales. I hope this makes sense and that it helps you. I am very pleased with your jewelry and would wear it proudly, show it off and refer everyone to your shop. I'll be delighted to follow your blog. Maybe I could do an "online" interview of you, your work and jewelry sometime. Post it on my blog and see if we can get more customers over in your shop. It would be great fun. It's something I know I'd enjoy doing. Thank you for holding the giveaway and your generosity.
visionquest2020 at msn dot com
What an awesome give away!! Your shop is amazing! I love the way you've done the pics!! How do you critique such a lovely shop? Can't.
Your jewelry is beautiful and I enjoy looking through your shop, may I suggest that the "Free Shipping" note is handy to know and an enticement to purchase but I think it maybe should be as a note on each page at top and bottom maybe, not on the items.
Your beautiful pieces need their own titles left as they deserve to be showcased and maybe a small comment about your inspiration.
As for the feel and layout of the shop its perfect.
Thanks for asking and running such a lovely Easter giveaway.
Your pieces are amazing! I love to own anything from your shop.
As for the suggestion, I noticed your banner doesn't really stand out. Maybe you can incorporate a picture of your jewelry in it?
Thanks for this giveaway ( :
Hi Sabine! What an amazing giveaway! I love your designs and I love the overall look of your Etsy shop as well. I'm not really an expert so honestly I have nothing to complain about! :)
Your items are indeed works of art. i love each one is so different and so creative. This is my favorite..Sweet And Simple - Sterling Silver Heart Pendant Necklace With Bezel Set Carnelian. I love the photos.
Hello Sabine! I've just found your blog through Etsy giveaways and I'm very... (well, I'm not English and I speak only a little... it's difficult for me to find an adjective so big!). I'm surprised with your work...it's really spectacular!!!!!!I just love it all in your shop... I love the mixed materials specially and this pendant is so pretty!!!!! I also love gems, and the ones you use are wonderful... Well, I'm sorry I can't criticize nothing!!!!!
Thanks fot letting me dream about this giveaway and congratulations for your beautiful work!
I follow you since now!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
Enjoy your Etsy shop . perhaps slightly bigger pictures of the jewellery and post the free shipping in a brighter colour
I love "beachy' jewelry. I'd love to see more blue and green combinations.
Hello! I just LOVE your work! Everything is beautiful! I'm especially drawn to your copper pieces! I don't have any copper jewelry so this would be such a treat! Your photos are lovely and so is your banner! I can't find much that I would change. I do love blues and greens so maybe if you had some more jewelry w/ those colors mixed in that would be great! Other than that I think you have a fabulous shop! Thanks so much for the chance to win such a beautiful piece of jewelry! I hope I win *wink*!
You've really taken the time to photography your jewelry perfectly. I've seen so many blurry photos while shopping for jewelry on etsy and yours are really really good. The only thing I would recommend changing is your banner, it doesn't stand out really well. Your jewelry stands out so should your banner. Your profile and shop policies are very thorough so no need to change anything there. Just the banner for me.
Your shop is great! there are so many beautiful pieces. I think it would be a good idea to include a picture of one or two pieces that exemplify your work in the banner. That way people get an idea of the shop as soon as they enter... I love the Mania -Organic Sterling Silver Cocktail Ring. Such a unique piece!
I absolutely love your jewelry. Beautiful!!! I agree with the suggestions to change your banner. It seems plain compared to the creativeness of your jewelry. The only other suggestion I have is to send some of that chocolate this way...:)
Thanks for the wonderful giveaways
I would love to see some bracelets in your shop! I do adore your style of jewelry and you have such a wide selection to choose from. The photography is always sharp too, so customers know what they are buying.
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I adore your photos with the black backgrounds. I think one of them would make an awesome banner.
lesjoujou AT gmail DOT com
I am very glad I have found your web site. Your jewelry is very unique and beautiful. What I could change? Nothing. Your banner is very classy, your photography is first class as are your multiple "poses" for each of your creations. And your workmanship looks exceptional. I would feel like I won the contest of the year if I won any of your jewelry.
Hi! Lovely work!
I think I agree with the photography critiques. It looks like you're using a fairly low aperture with a background that also fades. Given that, it might make sense to use a higher aperture if you want to continue using that background setup. I'd personally switch out the background and then use an aperture that lets the whole piece be in focus. Maybe some dark wood for the base so the rings stand out?
Still, awesome work!
I think there is very little to improve in your shop, to be honest! I love your banner and avatar, your shop announcement is succinct, your photos are very nice, and your prices seem fair for the level of workmanship! I would like to see all items on a model so that I could imagine what it would look like on me - especially the rings. I like your primary photos being the ring on a table, but when I click I'd just like to see it on a hand. I see you've taken some this way, I appreciated that! Thanks for the great giveaway, your work is amazing!
Krherning at yahoo dot com
Holy cow--how happy am I to have found your shop and blog today? You have some simply stunning pieces, and your photography is honestly some of the best I've seen on Etsy (and I spend more time on Etsy than I like to admit :)).
Finding something to critique was really hard in your shop, because you seem to have paid careful attention to every detail. One thing that crossed my mind is that one some pieces you show them on a neck, say, or a pendant sitting in the palm of a hand. On others, though, it is a lot harder to gauge the size of the pieces. I'm a very visual person and I can't "see" the size of something I'm considering buying just by reading the measurements. It makes all the difference for me if every piece of jewelry is pictured either on a model or in relation to something (like a hand) that I can use to visualize the size.
You didn't ask about blog suggestions, but I will add that your entries look kind of "smooshed" together on my browser (esp. the tags, comments, time stamp, etc.). They look fine if I click on the entry and read it on its own page. I would suggest perhaps widening the center column on the blog (so you have less empty space on the sides).
Fantastic shop, fantastic blog. I'll be frequenting both often!
beatrice at etsystalker dot com
I find the two tone backgrounds a bit distracting. My eye are looking at the white / black dividing line that goes right through the featured pieces, instead of focusing on the jewelry.
I suggest that you use what photographers call an "endless sweep" Try a neutral color, beige, medium grey, even a blue or yellow, As long as the colors are not bright.
some of the photos are improperly lighted. and example is the East Of Eden - Oxidized Sterling Silver Ring With Bezel Set Ruby Cabochon. in this case the bright part of the picture or emphasis should be on the stone, not the back of the band.
If you would like more info on this or how to edit these photos feel free to email me.
Good Luck in your endeavors!
Your work is truly lovely. The only suggestions I would have would be to make sure you have some head on shots of some of the pieces that you show at an angle (like some of the rings). Also, while it's nice to see a piece of jewelry on a model to get a sense of scale and size, I prefer to see the jewelry by itself on the shop page and see it on the model as one of the additional views.
(Oh for crying out loud, I see Beatrice just entered, too! She and I are going to have to wrestle for this one.)
I justed checked out your shop and all i have to say is WOW! Everything looks fabulous!! Right now you have no bracelets and i would love to see some of those. Your photos are fabulous.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Sabine, I would first like to tell you how much I enjoyed browsing through your Etsy shop. If I hadn't just been laid off from my company, I would be making purchases right now! However, I did "fave" your shop so that I could return at a later time.
Regarding improvements...
My only suggestion is that you include pictures of people wearing your jewelry for each item. From a buyer's perspective, I really think it gives a much better idea of how the piece will look.
Thanks so much for the fabulous contest!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I agree with the above - your jewelry is gorgeous! My one comment would be maybe take photos of someone wearing your jewelry? I think that would showcase how wearable the jewelry is, as well as the craftmanship that is visible in the current photos. It also gives a good size comparison, so people will know exactly what to expect.
As a side note, I've added you as a favorite seller - I can't afford to buy right now, but I want to remember you for the future!
I've added a pic and link on the left sidebar of my give away blog:
Your store is just lovely--great pics and descriptions :) You did mention your banner--it could use just a bit more jazz or color :) Other than that--there really is nothing I could suggest to improve upon.
You have fantastic items and wonderful photographs of them! My only suggestions would be to perhaps have someone model the jewelry, as to make it a little easier to tell the scale of the items. Also, I think because your jewelry is so beautifully photographed, it should be featured on your banner. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh my, I'm humbled by all your nice comments! Thank you so much for all your lovely thoughts and suggestions so far! I truly appreciate it! Big hug :-)
I love your work! One thing I noticed is that there's nothing in your banner that shows your beautiful work, I think some photos in your banner would look amazing! (I need to work on my banner too, lol.)
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love all of your jewelry creations! I especially like the silver necklaces and think that combining standout colored stones would look great if you are looking to make eye-popping jewelry!
Your jewelry is stunning! I would like to see someone modelling some of your designs just to get an idea of how they look on. I'd also be curious to see photos of some of the custom work you've done.
melacan at hotmail dot com
OOh wow Sabine! A HUGE giveaway indeed! How generous of you!! I love your shop and your jewellery and the photos of the jewellery too! The only thing I can think of is if you have the photos of the jewellery on a person wearing it. I am also visual and need to 'see' what it looks like on before I buy something...well, chances are greater if I can see it in that respect. Hope that helps!! LOVELY store!!
love your etsy shop and your jewelry is gorgeous. I am just starting to blog but I am going to put your giveaway on my site
thanks for the chance to win some of your beautiful jewelry
god bless
I have to say, this is my kind of shop! I love your one of a kind items! My favorites: The one touch ring and the midnight ring. I also love crystal rain earrings,the joshua tree necklace and the Savannah colada. I have no complaints about your shop-but maybe you could have some bracelets,toe rings or ankle bracelets. thanks jacquecurl@gmail.com
Usually I can come up with several suggestions for shop improvement.
Your shop is fabulous. Your pieces are just GORGEOUS.
Your policies are set and reasonable, your photography is striking, your tags are complete, you list sizes (though adding metric measurements may come in handy for those who are not familiar with the imperial system).
I think it would be lovely if you were to show a photograph in each listing of your inspiration - like a photograph of the botanical garden that inspired your poppy necklace.
hugs from a fellow Canadian (still in Canada),
Wow, lovely shop! Very unique.
In some of the ring pictures, the fuzzy background is distracting like at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=22376048
And the banner could use some updating? But that stuff doesn't really count,haha
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
I love your jewelry! I don't have much to say about your shop. The only thing I could say is to echo the comment above, that some of the pictures are kinda fuzzy. Aside from that, I think your shop is wonderful!!
Hi Sabine. Your jewelry is the most beautiful I have seen lately. Very original.There is only so much we can do with an Etsy shop. The photography is great, only suggestion I can see is centering some of the front page shots so they image doesn't get cut off. I would add a tag for "artisan" or "original"for your jewelry would be considered art. I hearted you too!
Your jewelry is gorgeous, and your shop looks great! The only suggestion I can think of right now has already been mentioned: editing the pictures so that they aren't cut off in the listings.
Your pictures and banner look great, not to over done or distracting. MAybe more mixed metal jewelry. Keep up the good work!
what beautiful jewelry! the coppery tones are really striking. i'm sure your giveaway will be a hit!
Hi, I love your items. Very pretty. The only thing I could thing to say is maybe introduce more mixed metal items. You have some, but maybe just add some more, specifically on items that are all metal, no stone, to create some visual variety. I had to really nitpick though, because your items are beautiful.
Hello Sabine,
I was very excited to enter your giveaway. The prize is so unique. Here is my recommendation regarding the etsy shop. I am drawn to unique, yet shall we say dainty jewelry. I'd want more pieces like the Manie cocktail ring, rain dance earrings, or heartache necklace. I like big, but not chunky. Thanks for the chance.
nicholakleyle at hotmail dot com
Love your jewelry! Here are my suggestions: first, if you can afford it invest in a higher-end camera that will take higher-resolution pictures. Also, the dark gray backgrounds are a bit drab; maybe you could use colored backgrounds for the silver jewelry.
Thanks for the giveaway!
teknologenius at a o l dot com
I think the photos are really good, so nothing to complain about there. Because of the amount of necklaces, it would perhaps be nicer if there were two categories for them. I usually am less willing to search for THE ONE if they are on many many pages, so you could maybe split the amount into two styles :-)
You have beautiful jewelry and your photos are very nice as well. I might suggest you zoom in a little bit more on the first ring shot, the ring gets a little bit lost with all the background included on the thumbnail. Pretty minor though, I think your shop is gorgeous!
I love your Etsy shop! My only suggestion could be to have more detail pictures of your pieces - a lot of the pictures seem to be from similar angles, and it'd be nice if there were some super-zoomed in pictures and pictures of the pieces from more angles. But I love your work!!
Sabine you make really lovely things. I wish I had more constructive criticism, but you have good photographs and great designs. The only thing I could say is maybe model some of your items? I love the Babylon Sisters necklace but I have trouble imagining how long it would look when worn.
Hi Sabine,
I love your jewelry, if it wasn't for the giveway on Etsy I wouldn't know about you, so I am so glad. You make beautiful things. I love the pics of the pieces but if I had to give some constructive criticism I would add some beautiful scenery to your home page since these jewelry pieces remind me of the outdoors, maybe use a picture of Norway. Also maybe a photo of someone wearing one of your neclaces and a ring to see how it would look in person.
Stunning jewelry Sabine! My only suggestion would be that with say (for example) the Brooklyn Earrings, using a lighter background to make the colors of the metals POP. Silver gets washed out a bit on lighter colors but other metals, especially copper look lovely on a lighter background (IMO).
First I want to say I LOVE your blog and store~! I am sooo glad I found you...
Second I joined ( FOLLOW ) you ... NOW as for your store my favorite's were the stone jewelry don't get me wrong I LOVE all of your jewelry... I am a sucker for Color so on that note I would say don't be afraid to add more color to your work... I think more colorful minarels (spelling) and natural gems would be AWESOME addeed to your metals.. . .Just a thought :)
This might be silly, but I would recommend changing the font on the banner. Your jewelry is very whimsical and the font doesn't represent that part of your art.
I love the necklace your giving away. Very pretty.
(and Friday is my birthday!) ;o)
Take care!!!!
Hi! I'd say some more/better information on how to determine what size to order would be helpful.
I think it is fascinating that you are from Norway. How about showing some pictures of your jewelry incorporating into the background the Norwegian countryside. Also you could have some of your jewelry named after Norwegian landmarks. My grandmother came from Norway and I have several Norwegian things and love the Nordic designs. Your jewelry is beautiful.
I think your designs are stunning. I am so glad I found the giveaway before it was over. I think your pictures are really rich and well done but some of the ones against the slate gray background look washed out to me and the metal jewelry fades into the background. I like the black backdrops better and I wonder what they would like with a white background. Just my thoughts since you asked. I am totally in awe of your talents.
I like the Cactus Juice - Bezel Set Green Brazilian Agate Pendant Necklace.
I would like to see items in every category that is listed-there are not any bracelets.
I think it is fine. I love that necklace.
Your work is beautiful and your pictures showcase it very well. The only thing I can see is that your name in your banner seems so dark...your jewelry pieces on your banner are bright and shiny but your name doesn't stand out very well.
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