Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Look what the postman brought me today!

I love days like today when I get loads of goodies in terms of jewelry supplies in the mail! I got 25 stones all together today, bezel wire and silver sheet! It's been dreadful not being able to spend much time crafting jewelry when I had a couple of days off because I was out of materials. 
I am in love with all the stones I got, especially the intense colored druzy agates. They are absolutely stunning. Can't wait to start working tomorrow. I am hoping to have some new items to show a little later this week, perhaps even tomorrow evening, if everything goes as planned. I have tons of housework to do, but I might put them on the back burner. Sometimes I can't believe how two people can create such a mess around the home. I am notorious for leaving my jewelry related stuff all over the place. You can find little heaps of supplies on  my kitchen table, living room table, dressers and even the top of the freezer. I have promised myself before we moved that I will make an effort to be more organized, but it sure didn't take me long to get back to my bad old habit. Luckily I have an awesome man who doesn't complain about it.
We are thinking of looking for a new and bigger place to live. This place is just too small for us, plus I am looking forward to have a more insulated studio where the noise of my tools doesn't travel as much. John works mainly night shifts, so I can't start hammering during the day hours. Being the nice guy he is he says it's okay because he is out like a light when he's sleeping. Well, I still can't get myself to do it. 

Below you can see some of the new stones I got today! Loads of different agates with druzies and one gorgeous turquoise! 
Plus I managed to make one cool pendant today. A hand forged and formed leaf with a 12mm blue lace agate that sits on top of a hand sawed flower embellishment.
Simple and perfect for fall.
Hope you like it as much as I do!

Enjoy your day!

xo - Sabine

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